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Culture Map is research of cultural situation in a city. Before 2012 in Ukraine Culture Map was made only in one city – Lviv. In 2013 it was created for 7 cities of Ukraine, among which was Kherson. The TOTEM Kherson Center of Youth Initiatives organized the process of creation of cultural map, which is made by efforts of numerous partners and with support of the European Cultural Foundation, the Center for Culture Management (Lviv) and the Kherson city Center of social services for families, children and young people.
In the frame of this research ordinary citizens of Kherson told about their necessities, and leaders of different culture institutions told about culture resources which are present today in the city because in fact one of the objectives of Cultural Map is to help the locals to get more information about culture organizations, and to help organizations learn more about necessities of townspeople. At the same time Culture Map is not simply a “guide-book” but a kind of “a pointer” which helps to look around, to estimate cultural possibilities and to see the perspective ways of the development. The constituents of this process in Kherson was opinions of ordinary inhabitants of Kherson, opinions of cultural actors - leaders and activists of cultural and art organizations, opinions of experts, and also questioning about the development of organizations in the field of culture.
Culture Map is not an analytical document which is created «once and for all». It is an interactive, accessible for all project, actually we described our city and designed our common future together.
At the same time when Culture Map was created we collected the database of culture institutions of Kherson and formed the useful appendix to culture.